The Primary Shakespeare Company
Science Ideas
Ideas for Julius Caesar science learning journeys for years 3-6
Lesson 3
Brutus: an honourable man?
Lesson 4
Strange Sightings
Lesson 5
Advert for an Amulet
Lesson 6
Letter to Aunt Sibyl
Julius Caesar Art & DT Plans
These two projects have been designed specifically for Julius Caesar- but below are loads of Art and DT plans which can easily be adapted to fit the current play.
Art and DT
Bespoke plans for creating Pop Up Books, Models, Set Boxes, Silhouettes, Printmaking, Masks and more...
Printmaking- 2 projects
Creative Puppetry
Making a Set Box
Photo Story Outline
Photo Story Detailed Plan
Paper Cuts Silhouettes
Paper Cuts Cyanotypes
Making an Articulated Model
Making Masks
Pop Up Books Overview
Pop Up Books Detailed Plan
2017 Festival Song
All schools learn our song, and each festival ends with everyone singing it together.....
If we do meet again
music by Neil Carter
O what a fall was there my countrymen,
Then I, and you,
And all of us fell down.
And whether we shall meet again I know not,
Therefore our everlasting farewell take.
If we do meet again,
Why we shall smile,
If not well then this parting was well made.
And this same day must end the work
the Ides of March began,
So call the field to rest and let's away,
To part the glories of this happy day
To part the glories of this happy day
Here is the song which all schools will sing at the end of their festival. The first track has a guide vocal on it to help you learn and sing along with, the second is just the backing track- make sure you practice with the backing track before your festival!
Julius Caesar Maths Plans
Maths plans for years 3-6 by Hannah Widdison-Woolf, assistant Headteacher at Harlesden Primary School. Winners of the Annie Williams Prize 2015
Download this document which shows the curriculum links for the lesson plans below.
Useful Resources for Parents
Here are some great resources to use at home- places to go, things to see, make, and do. Just click the download button....